Dementia Care at Park View Care Centre, in Kent

If you are thinking about care for a loved one now or in the future call us on 01233 527 518 and speak with Mel the General Manager to arrange a visit or for further information about the home.

We offer care and support for residents with nursing and residential dementia needs in the Ashford area.

With over 15 years of knowledge and experience in nursing and dementia care, General Manager Mel spearheads our dedicated and skilled teams. We are committed to delivering compassionate care and supporting residents to live meaningful lives in a homely, caring and family orientated environment.

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Dementia-friendly activities

Our team takes a considered approach to dementia-friendly activities and meaningful engagement – supporting our residents who live with dementia to still experience happiness, comfort and contentment.

With a deep knowledge of people’s life histories, we are able to encourage positive reminiscence and create a safe and supportive environment where people feel comfortable taking part in both familiar and new activities, trips and events.

Activities & events

Supporting our residents to enjoy every day living at Brentwood Care Centre is a key focus for our dedicated team.

By getting to know each person, we are able to tailor our activities and events to their likes and dislikes as well as activities they may like to try.

No two days are the same here and, alongside our usual daily hobby-based activities, we also like to host events which are a little out of the ordinary.

In addition to art therapy, keeping fit with our chair-based exercises, baking, and quizzes. We also take great pleasure in welcoming visiting entertainers, schools and groups to our home to enjoy spending time with our residents.

Our team and residents also love pottering around the local garden centre, taking in a movie at the cinema and getting dressed up for our themed days throughout the year – complete with themed menus and decorations!

Food & nutrition

We are proud of the high quality of our meals here at Brentwood Care Centre which are carefully designed to be enjoyable whilst providing balanced nutrition to our residents.

They are lovingly cooked and prepared by our in-house catering team and follow the seasons.

Regularly rotating menus ensure we always have meals which cater to our residents’ likes and dislikes, including those who require modified or specialist diets.

To create a welcoming and pleasant atmosphere for our residents to enjoy their mealtimes, our tables are lovingly laid with crisp table linen, menus clearly showing what’s on offer and cutlery and dinnerware which supports their independence.

Find Us

Field View Park Farm Ashford Kent TN23 3NZ

Our home is situated on the roundabout which links Forestall Meadow, Bluebell Road and Moatfield Meadow with Field View, near to Tesco Extra in Kingsnorth. Please turn onto Field View and the entrance to our home is the first right and then we are on the right.

Transport links
2.0 miles – Ashford International Railway Station
2.0 miles – Ashford town centre with good bus links
2.0 miles – Junction 10, M20